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When you are looking for a puppy it is not easy. There are various venues that are available for a person to buy a dog and there are levels of expertise that come with those levels. We at Bajoron have over the years purchased dogs from other breeders and each time we realize that the breeder we purchase from does not have the buyer in mind when they sell. They not only do not have the buyer in mind but they do not have the best interests of the Breed in mind. They drop the ball in many areas and at times have not been honest and we even got a dog that was not of the pedigree we believed it was! We have seen breeders purposely breed dogs that they knew or should have known are NOT good candidates for breeding either Structure, temperament and Health HIstory. Any of those criteria can warn a breeder to refrain from using that dog they own or have the ability to use. Most times it is the breeder "making their money back" which is a poor reason to breed a dog that is not worthy of that task! Just because you have spent well over 5000 dollars to obtain and health test a dog, it is not crucial for the breed to carry on that dogs genetic make-up based on the breeder's financial needs. Some will even ignore questionable outcomes in their health tests because they just can't seem to bring themselves to "do the right thing" in regards to the breeds sanctity. Money, and convience is usually the driving force for BAD DECISIONS. We do not behave this way and have rejected many a dog in the quest for the perfect outcome for you and for our reputation. We want you to have a healthy puppy that will remain healthy for the life of the puppy. We want you to walk away and have the best life with the puppy and feel that to return to us would be the most favorable if you want another dog. Many breeders just want to sell you a dog and then be done with it. If they breed line bred dogs which we have discovered here in 2024 that seems to be where most breeders programs are at. They want to breed championship cousins to championship cousins becasue they don't know what this means. The ramifications of that are far reaching as the puppy you get will most likely come from the lines that carry glaucoma, heart disease and cataracts to name a few issues that glide on these over used pedigrees. The breeders comment when you tell them your dog has glaucoma and is going blind will be, "These things happen". NOT THEY DO NOT HAPPEN TO THE DEGREE OR WITH THE FREQUENCY if line breeding does not occur. We spoke with four different people recently, who have purchased from a breeder WHO SOLD THEM PUPPIES WHO GOT GLAUCOMA AT 6-9 MONTH AND HAVE GONE BLIND! I I get these calls and the buyers ask me what to do? i tell them to tell the breeder and they tell me they have and that they said, "These things happen" , While the breeder is NOT wrong it does not happen to the degree that it happens to line bred puppies which this breeder has. Yet another breeder sold a puppy to a couple and we were surprised and excited to see this puppy at our own vet's office. The couple was excited in their anticipation of watching the puppy grow and were very surprised i identified the breed as they held it at the counter checking in. We discussed all sorts of things and i learned who their breeder was. Having gotten some calls that mirror the above dissappointment that another breeder seems to cause. . . . I have heard this breeder too has all sorts of issues with their puppies. I refrained from giving warnings but we exchanged numbers and i promised to give support to them if they needed it because I know this breeder does not support their buyers effectively. i was called about 4 weeks later to tell me that the dog these folks had gotten had some really bad issues and that the vet was so disturbed that both the office and the owners sought out a refund and to return the puppy. . . they were very upset. To be honest it did not surprise me but underscored what we had originally thought that day they stood in the office. They did get their money back but the puppy was apparently resold to an unsuspecting buyer. Our point is this, No matter who are what the breeders profess, championships, awards etc, it is NO substitute for not line breeding sick lines or distributing dogs who have or could have issues. Its reprehensible and unfair to you the buyer. Our puppies are screened heavily before they are allowed to leave. We do not line breed historically sick lines. We can tell you that even if a breeder has the best award history that is NO guarantee that your puppy will remain healthy. Accolades are accolades and many times the powers that be do not know what happens behind the curtain. . . .neither do you. Because we get those phone calls, we unfortunately know and that information weighs heavy on us and gives us the ability to know what is going on in our breed. NO studies by the National Breed Club will change the habits or behaviors of the breeders. We welcome studies but the damage that is done by breeding line bred dogs from sick Historical lines only puts the illnesses like concrete in the lines and the breed. Championships do not absolves those mistakes of choice. If dogs are used from Europe the same rules apply. Please note that there are physical abnormalities that come with line breeding and that is body proportion. The one abnormality that is easy for a buyer to see is little heads and large bodies. National zoos even use outcrossed animals in their breeding to avoid the issues that this breeding habit cause. The zoos have extensive pedigrees and records and they exchange animals in and effort to keep the wild animals healthy and producing animals that will keep these collections in good condition. We want to add that COI or the co efficient of how close animals are in being related do not take in to consideration the animals that have been sick in the past or who has passed on what to what group of animals. So if a dog that has produced glaucoma cataracts or heart disease is not closely related to its mate, it may not give you cause for alarm. This is the danger of NOT knowing all you need to know. The OFA vets who checks our dogs eyes to clear them have been issued strict warnings about the fact that Bouvier des Flandres have been exibiting Glaucoma and Cataracts lately and that it is so widespread that they need to be very thorough in their exams to clear the Bouvier des Flandres that come to their clinics to be health tested. That sort of news coming from a vet specialist is troubling. The problem is very prevalent because of the over use of these pedigrees! This is NOT a joke or even us being overly vigilant, it obvious the OFA is concerned as well. Equally we have watched as dogs were released with Heart issues and not held back from going to the buyer. We have watched as dogs who come from heart issue litters, are then used for breeding. That practice only insures the continued propensity for the breed to have problems. We will not breed from a line or set of dogs who have exibited genetic issues or developmental issues. Either scenario is a questionable decision to do so. A good breeder KNOWS about as much as they can about each and every dog used in their program from structure, dental alignment, behavioral tendencies, and health. The most important of these IS NOT ONE OF THESE AREAS BUT TO STRIVE FOR AND BREED ONLY, the TOTAL PACKAGE. Without one of these items being picture perfect, a breeder should not breed that specific dog. The number one situation you must not put yourself in is GETTING PUPPY FEVER. This means you find a puppy and immediately your heart skips a beat as you see yourself with this new puppy in happiness and bliss. Unfortunately PUPPY FEVER IS YOUR WORST ENEMY, FOLLOWED BY THE BREEDER WHO SEES YOUR DESPARATION AND USES IT TO SELL YOU A PUPPY! Or the worst knowns you want a show quality dog and pushes you to look at a puppy from championship parents and you think this means that the dog is going to be healthy and in great shape! Its all about pedigree and history and that is the best indicator of the future of a puppy, NOT championships or handsome dogs, NOT awards or accolades, only experience and ethics that the breeder has displayed behind closed doors and over the last 20+ years! While this sounds bleak we at Bajoron are trying hard to maintain clean pedigrees while presenting structurally sound, intelligent, healthy dogs. Its not easy, its hard work but we are dedicated to the preservation of this breed we dont just talk the talk, we walk the walk. Please do not fall prey to the show dog mystique. But if you must call us and we can hook you up with a dog that will be wonderful in the ring with you as their trainer. In fact we have the number 6 dog currently 2025 and we are very proud of this but it is not our goal our goal is for all our dogs to be the best showing or NOT!!!! We have mountains of Health checks that we have run over the last 46 years. We have now the 8th and 9th generations of our lines and every single generation is screened for Eye, Heart, Elbow, Thyroid health and if they do not pass they do not breed. They must have good structure, intelligence, and good temperaments. Sound puppies are not an accident. Any structural or unacceptable presentation in the dogs is not good enough. This sees us really turning over ever rock for available sires and dams and sees us screenign and scrutinizing ever dog we propose to use. While you may want just a pet that pet is important and we believe should represent the best the breed has to offer.